Free database consultation service on the German Shepherd Dog by Bruno DA TOS - E-Mail
Servizio di consultazione banca dati sul cane da pastore tedesco by Bruno DA TOS - E-Mail
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ex Lupus on line (1996)
Database about the German shepherd dog       La banca dati sul cane pastore tedesco       Datenbank über die deutschen Schäferhund
The first essential Information  Register to see results, dinamic pedigree and much more
Here Kennels of German Shepherd dog in the world. Where to ask for information on dogs.
Search dogs by name or with the name's part
Write the dog's name but the name's kennel with  abbreviations
Search dogs by the kennel's name
The name's kennel has the abbreviations, don't write the  abbreviations
Search dogs by
surname of the owner
Search dogs by
surname of the trainer
Search the breed-surveyes of dogs in Italy, all dogs are in the database from 2004
Search the dogs with survey in Italy with only IPO ZTP before these dogs taking other Working title
Look for dogs using coat color or longhair ones                       Search dogs with Height at withers not in standards F.C.I.
Championships results of Germany and Italy with statistics
Bundessieger-Zuchtschauen Breed-Show-Trial 'beauty/open'    Bundessiegerprüfungen Work-Show ' * SchH3 / IPO3 '    Bundessiegerprüfungen ' $ utility - IPO-FH '
Work-Show ' # utility - Flock of sheep '                    Bundessieger-Zuchtschauen Breed-Show- 'beauty/Stokhair-LSTH'
How to insert the data of one German shepherd dog in the database ?
If you like to see what the database does, click here
This is a demo and only a few links are enabled under the dog data
Register to consult more. Registration is free
                   BETTI V. GÖTZWEIHER        



After  your free recording  you will see some footage when there is these into the Rankings film
Date of birth=17/01/1997   Tatoo/microchip( 6979
Brothers(1/)=1   Sisters(2/)=1   Whelps=BAC1/BEA2.
Reg.number from/to=1982120  - 1982122
No Foto/Photo BETTI V. GÖTZWEIHER=1982122D
Web - Stammbaum / Genealogie Sons and daughters Longhaired sons/daughters Web with pictures
Shows & Trial: beauty,work-Shows,working-Flock of sheep Grandchildren Longhaired Grandchildren Statistics direct discent
Web-Pedigree with the sixth generation Pedigree (fifth generation) with just names and numbers
PDF Pedigree to the sixth generation Owner / Dog-Breeder or ex PDF with sizes and weights
(I) Registrati ora gratis. Clicca qui
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nel database per consultare le informazioni dei cani e molto altro

Prima di tutto é obbligatorio registrarsi

(USA-UK) Register now for free. Clik here
Choose your language after recording and use the Login to enter
in the database to consult the information of the dogs, and more
Registration is mandatory first of all

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in der Datenbank, um die Informationen der Hunde zu konsultieren, und mehr
Die Anmeldung ist obligatorisch zuerst


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