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Here are the contents of the dynamic database on the German Shepherd Dog

The data in the database are exclusively officials. All the archive refers to the period from 1900 to today.
MOTOR RESEARCH uses various parameters and systems. All data are dynamic that is created at the time of interrogation
- Search a dog by name or part of the name or number of pedigree
- Search a dog by surname of the owner or who guarantees his custody or trainer's name
- Search trainers who participated to Championships in Germany and in Italy, more the list of dogs conducted
- Search a dog from Championships results also longhaired, Championships training IPO3 / IPO-FH and flock HGH
                                                                              The presentation of the dog is with more Web :
1)  sex, date of birth, father, mother, degree hips(HD), degree elbows(ED), best title, validity of survey and breed survey-clas, photo if inserted
2)  a lot of dinamic pedigree and line breeding(consanguinity), with search of all the dogs in the family tree and so on
3)  pedigree with photos of the dogs and all the descriptions of the survey about of the ancestors, obviously, the first survey of the dog in the original language,
     its validity and renew or final examination
4)  owner or dog-breeder or partner who grant custody (their contact details if reported or recovered)
5)  list of direct descent (sons and daughters) with statistics and reporting of the female or the male that has reproduced
6)  list of descent indirect (nephews and nieces)
7)  list of the results obtained from the dog to the Shows & Trial: beauty/open,work-Shows,working-Flock of sheep with his trainer
8)  rankings and scores of the Championships of Germany and Italy from 1970 to present
9)  various prints in PDF format similar to the German pedigree even up until the 6th generation
10) PDF printouts indicating degrees of hip(HD), degrees of elbow(ED), sizes and weights of the ancestors
11) list of all dogs with Italian survey since 2004 also with previous years
12) list of over 3000 dog-breeder in the world
You can access to the tabs of the dogs directly from the charts of the Championships by means of dynamic engine search
There are statistics on the individual dogs to the Championships. The statistics cover also the TSB test with statistical references on sons and daughters presented